
1 centimes1962-1968KM#9281963, 1966
5 centimes1924KM#875 
5 centimes1872KM821.1 
5 centimes1963, 1964KM#927 
5 centimes1966-1996KM#933 
10 centimes1919KM#866a 
10 centimes1942KM#898.1 
10 centimes1962-1998KM#929 
20 centimes1962-1997KM#930 
25 centimes1903KM#855 
25 centimes1927KM#867a 
50 centimes1918KM#854 
50 centimes1927KM#884 
50 centimes1931, 1941KM#894.1 
50 centimes1941KM#894.1a 
1/2 franc1965-1987KM#931.11979, 1980, 1981, 1982
1/2 franc1991-1997KM#931.2 
1 franc1923KM#884 
1 franc1927KM#876
1 franc1937KM#885 
1 franc1946KM#885a 
1 franc41,42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 57 58, 59KM#885.a1 
1 franc1960-1988KM#925.11963, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988
1 franc1988KM#963 
1 franc1989-1999KM#925.11990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
1 franc1992KM#1004.1 
1 franc1995KM#1133 
2 francs1869KM807.1 
2 francs1922KM#877 
2 francs1936KM#886 
2 francs1943KM#904.1 
2 francs1947, 1948, 1949KM#886a.1 
2 francs1979-1983KM#942.1 
2 francs1993KM#1062National Resistance
2 francs1994-2000KM#942.21999
5 francs1945, 47, 49KM#888b1 
5 francs1970-1991KM#926a.11977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989
5 francs1992KM#1006 
5 francs1993-1995KM#826a.21994
5 francs1994KM#1063 
5 francs1996KM#1155 
10 francs1948KM#909.1 
10 francs1950-1953, 57, 58KM#915.1 
10 francs1974-1980, 84KM#940 
10 francs1988-1992KM#964.1 
10 francs1988KM#965Roland Garros
20 francs1950, 1951KM#917.1 
20 francs1952KM#917.2 
20 francs1992-1993KM#1008.2 
20 francs1994KM#1036 
50 francs1951, 52KM#918.1 
100 francs1955KM#919.1 
1 eurocent1999-2001, 2003-2008KM#1282 
2 eurocents1999-2001, 2003-2010KM#1283 
5 eurocents1999-2003, 2006-2009, 2011KM#1284 
10 eurocents1999-2003, 2005KM#1285 
10 eurocents2007- 2010KM#1410 
20 eurocents1999-2002KM#1286 
20 eurocents2007-2009KM#1411 
50 eurocents1999-2002KM#1287 
50 eurocentsmissing 2007>KM#1412 
1 euro1999-2001KM#1288 
1 euromissing 2007>KM#1413 
2 euro1999-2002KM#1289 
2 euro 2007 KM#146050th Anniversary – Signing of the Treaty of Rome
30 jaar europses vlag finland
2 euro 2008 KM#1459French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2008
Frankrijk_2EUvvr2007S (1)
2 euro 2009 KM#1590Ten years of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the birth of the euro
10 jaar euro france
2 euro2010 KM#1676 70th Anniversary – General De Gaulle’s Appeal
de gaulle
2 euro2011 KM#1789 30th Anniversary – Day of Music
France 2011 muziek
2 euro2015 KM#2227 225th Anniversary – Festival of the Federation
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png
2 euro2015KM#1414 
2 euro2016KM#2281100 year birthday Mitterand
2 euro2017UC#104100 year day of death Auguste Rodin
2 euro2018UC#106100 year end of WO I
2 euro 2018 UC#107 Simone Veil
2 Euro (Simone Veil) - France – Numista
2 euro2020KM#1414
2 euro2022UC#1

amount of coins: 258 and euro’s