
2 groschen1966KM#2876 
5 groschen1967, 1968, 1978KM#2875 
10 groschen1925KM#2838
10 groschen1948KM#2874 
10 groschen1952, 1959KM#2878 
10 groschen1963-1998KM#2878 
50 groschen1955KM#2870 
50 groschen1960-1962KM#2885 
50 groschen1967KM#2885 
50 groschen1977-1981KM#2885 
50 groschen1991KM#2885 
1 shilling1947KM#2871 
1 shilling1959-1998KM#2886 
5 shilling1968-1992KM#2889aexcept 1976, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1987, 1988
10 shilling1958KM#2882
10 shilling1974-1993KM#2918except 1977, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1992
20 shilling1994KM#3016 
1 eurocent2002, 2004KM#3082 
2 eurocents2002, 2003, 2004, 2007KM#3083 
5 eurocents2002, 2003, 2004KM#3084 
10 eurocents2002, 2006, 2007KM#3085 
10 eurocents2008KM#3139 
20 eurocents2002, 2003, 2005, 2007KM#3086 
20 eurocents2009KM#3140 
50 eurocents2002, 2004,KM#3087 
50 eurocents2010KM#3141 
1 euro2002, 2004, 2005, 2007KM#3088 
1 euro2010KM#3142 
2 euro2002KM#3089 
2 euro2010KM#3143 
2 euro2005
50th Anniversary of the
Austrian State Treaty
2 euro2007
50th Anniversary of the
Treaty of Rome
2 euro2009 10th anniversary of the Euro.KM#3175Oostenrijk-2009-2-euro
2 euro2016 200 years national BankKM#3248

amount of coins: 131 + euro’s